Have you ever looked carefully at the things in the forest or have you payed attention to the sounds, because if you have, you might have noticed that the forest is full of magical creatures.
A few days ago my husband and I went on a little trip to a nearby forest and we noticed that there were quite a few things going on there. We suddenly saw an Elf dressed in a grey outfit with a wizard hat on and a wandering stick with a gem on top. She looked like she was in a great hurry and didn’t notice us. Where was she going?

Before we could follow her she disappeared. Then we heard movements in different parts of the forest – so we looked more closely and there were other elves. They were hiding, but if you looked carefully you could make them out between the leaves and branches.
We saw a little shy elf – she had some sort of crown made of flowers and a big gemstone on her belt- a princess maybe?

One of the elves had a bow and arrow and another one a sword. They looked like guards. They were scanning the surroundings carefully to see if there was any danger. They didn’t take any notice of us – so we didn’t seem to be the danger.

Later we saw what they were guarding. It was a hollow tree trunk – it looked magical and mysterious.

It was the home of the High Priestess – the protector of the forest.

But the priestess seemed worried. Winter had been too warm with too little snow. Spring had been late to come. It had been cold and rainy for too long and that was not good for the life in the forest. What will summer be like? The seasons were all in confusion. So the priestess had sent out news to the Elf Queen and the Elf wizards. They should come to her home in the forest to talk about the weather and what had happened to it.
The Queen could not come, she was too busy, but she sent her daughter – the elf princess.

The Queen was also very worried about the things going on in the different parts of her kingdom.

The Elf wizards had also noticed the changes in the weather.

As the three elves had no solution how to make the weather better, they decided to walk about the country and find other elves, who could help them. Protected by the guards they went on a long and dangerous journey. Let’s hope they will find help and the weather will get better and the seasons will get back to the way they were in the past.