Finally the story goes on. It’s not easy to find out something about the elves in the forest – they are very secretive. So it took me some time.

After many months of adventures – walking through deep forests and dangerous places and fighting against fierce dragons and other fantastic creatures…

… the Elves had found … nothing – no answer to their questions about why the weather and the seasons were going crazy and nothing was normal anymore.

The High Priestes decided to send out her little magical dragon, because maybe from above he could see more.

The little dragon returned after a few weeks. He had found a deserted elf village. In a tower of the village there lived a half-breed elf who could see things in the stars.

So the Wizard Elf was on her way again to find the tower and consult the half-breed who could interpret the constelations.

The half breed was living peacefully in her tower with her three dwarfish helpers. But despite her isolated way of life she had also noticed the changes in nature and the weather and was worried, too.

The dwarfish helpers were very happy about the visitor. They welcomed the Wizard Elf and offered her food and drinks.

Suddenly a huge white owl flew into the tower through an open window.

The owl accompanied the wizard to the half-breed astronomer elf.

They talked about the problems and the astronomer looked through her telescope – she could see that the stars were in the wrong positions.

So she called her third dwarf – a grumpy dwarf who was in charge of the library – to bring her a huge antique book.

She looked into the book and saw the answer to the problems.

The four elements were not in harmony anymore and this had a bad influence on the weather and the stars.

Well! That was the answer, but not the solutions. So the astronomer advised the Wizard to go and see the White Seer who lived in the misty mountains. She could help her find a solution.

The Astronomer and her dwarves said good bye. They gave the wizard a bag full of food and drinks and a map to help her find the way to the misty mountains. They wished her good luck and also said that the two sisters Day and Night would help her and guide her on the way. They would send out the white owl with a message to the sisters to say that the Wizard needed assistance.